Monday, March 31, 2014

#FTE London, UK

Should I continue my Europe trip story?
kalo belom pada bosen sih gapapa, hahaha. eniway,

a city that I really wanna hop by! 

Kita terbang dari Amsterdam ke Luton London airport.
pesawat kita 14:40 and sampe sekitar 14:50 kita naek EasyJet.

Review sedikit tentang easyjet,
easyjet itu budget airlines around EU. They say easyjet the best budget airlines in EU. I will rate 8/10 buat easyjet. Easyjet clean and right on time! you miss 1 minutes you will miss the plane. so, watch out guys!

things to highlight if you guys using easyjet:
1. make sure handbag and handcarry put in 1 bag! they really not allowing you to have your handbag with your handcarry. buset pas tau ini kita cepet2 masukin handbag kita ke dalem handcarry. hahahah.
2. tempat duduknya ga bisa di mundurin. -_____- jadi selama beberapa jam flight kita, kita duduk tegap.
3. make sure bagasi nya sesuai sama apa yang kalian booked lewat dikit bakal ada additional charge.
4. make sure kalian uda web check in , kalo ngak bener2 long que and you might miss your flight they won't wait for you walaupun antrian check in nya panjang. hahaha.

and Finally We're at LONDON!
we take train from Luton airport to King Cross station. Jauh nya seamit amit and gak mungkin naek taxi soalnya MAHAL!
buat para cewe-cewe mending ati-ati kalo mau travel ke London n turun di Luton, soalnya Luton itu agak jauh dari city nya kaya itu uda luar kota nya London. We experience ketemu cowo mabok di train. mereka nanya-nanyain kita. since muka kita cina totok gini , gak mungkin lah ya bilang kita orang local. but just ignore them, lama-lama diem sendiri.

setelah melewati ganti train beberapa kali n perjalanan panjang we have this view in London!

we all like, WOWWWWWWWWW keren! okay view nya ga seterang di photo , soalnya kita sampe nya uda malem, but still I really falling in love with London architectural. No wonder they have the best Architecture school there! mereka bener2 mixed old and new at the same times.

.. and again perjuangan kita ga sampe di situ, we have a hard time finding our hostel!

We stay at Clink78
below the directory say:

Our closest underground Station is KING'S CROSS. We're about a 10-minute walk away or 2 bus stop away by bus 63 (bus stop in front of the station).

There are a LOT of exits but once you have walked outside make sure that EUSTON RD
is in front of you and that Station is behind you. All you have to do is turn LEFT and walk down Euston Rd which becomes PENTONVILLE RD.  Walk along this road and the 2nd street on your right is KING'S CROSS RD. Follow this road as it curves to the right, you will see a big TRAVELODGE on your left, we're the big victorian building with the steps and red phone box in front of it.

but in reality NOT THAT EASY. 

sedikit review buat Clink78 , i will rate this hostel 6/10 
kamar nya super kecil bok! we booked 2 rooms ( triple rooms) dan kira2 begini penampakan kamar kita, kebanyang donk ko Hendra susah nya gimana tidur di kamar sekecil itu bersama para cewe-cewe tukang rusuh. 

there's a lot of funny story waktu kita ada di hostel ini. 

salah satu nya (agak vulgar dikit)
sebut saja si Paijah (bukan nama sebenarnya) , merasa uda keabisan celana dalem jadi dia harus cuci celana dalemnya donk, tapi karna toiletnya pun ikutan super kecil dia ga tau harus keringin n gantung di mana, akhirnya dia jemur clana dalemnya di tangga2 yang mana yg tidur di atas itu Ko Hendra. haohoahoahohaohaoa. dia jempur clana dalemnya dia , di safety barrier nya yg bunk bed atas. sampe akhirnya gue masuk and bilang ' buset paijah! itu celana dalem gimana cara ko hen bisa naek ke atas?' dengan polos nya dia bilang ' ya uda titip di kamar sebelah deh' in the end kamar gue jadi showcase celana celana dalem para cewe2. haohoahoahohao. 

dan toiletnya .. ckckckck super kecil! kita punya 3 koper , ga tau harus taro di mana sampe kita. hahahaha.
another things gak ada WIFI. wifi nya chargeable n mahal. menurut kita mahalllll banget buat wifi nya. jadi selama 3 malem kita di London, kita tanpa Wifi.

tidur lah dan habislah day 1 kita di London.

Day 2 - London Shopping time!
It's Christmas eve! jadi banyak toko yang tutupnya quite early gitu.
Awal nya kita mau ke Camden market area, yg konon katanya banyak kaya flee market gitu, tapi berhubung kok kayanya masih pagi, kita jadi cuman photo-photo sama belanja souvenir doank di sono. I quite recommended buat belanja souvenir di sini, soalnya kaya di Harrods ato daerah-daerah lain itu super mahal. and the good things here you can bargain! hahahaha.

pagi-pagi kita ke Sherlock Holmes musem. Keren! kalo emang pencinta and suka baca or nonton Sherlock Holmes pasti bakal suka tempat ini. Kecil sih museum nya cuman keren aja gitu kaya berasa di dunianya Sherlock, Oh ya! dan Security nya yg di depan GANTENG! hahahaha.

Sherlock Holmes museum ini keren gitu kaya bener-bener ceritain tentang si Sherlock holmes nya. Antriannya panjang, I suggest kalo kalian rame-rame ada yang atri beli tiket ada yang antri masuk (Kiasu dikit) biarin aja, yang penting hemat waktu. Itu paling penting. hahaha.

Di dalem museum Sherlock ini, ada patung-patung lilinnya si Sherlock, trus temen baeknya si Sherlock sama istrinya. cukup lengkap tapi ya cukup kecil juga. Nih gue kasih penampakannya kira-kira kaya gimana


Abis itu kita langsung cepet-cepet ke Next destination. Harrod!
yes, katanya kalo ke London harus ke Harrod. kalo ngak sayang banget gak ke sono. Harrod kan terkenal tempat shopping di London. Harrod lebih kaya department store.

for me personally, gue ga berapa suka belanja di Harrods sih, soalnya bener-bener dept store banget. tapi Harrods really have everything you need! hahahaha. dari yang barang branded sampe yang ngak branded ada di sini.

After kita ke harrods, kita langsung meluncur ke Oxford Street, yang di mana surganya para wanita.
hari itu agak sedikit epic, karena itu Christmas eve, banyak toko yang tutup early! jadi kita misah-misah buat belanja masing-masing. So, begini kira-kira arrangement nya gue sama michelle, Jeli sama ko hen, lolla sama saceng.

Kalo di tanya apa aja sih yang bisa di belanjain di Oxford street area?
Benernya banyak banget! Oxford street tuh jalananya gede nya ngalahin Orchard road nya singapore. dari ujung ke ujung bejejer apa aja kalian tinggal milih. mau dari yg branded sampe yang ga branded. semua ada, lengkap.

Waktu di sono gue sama cele emang kepengen ke Burberry since, ade gue nitip jem tangan incerannya dia dari jaman kapan, so gue bela-belain ke sono + gue nyari-nyari barang buat bokap. in the end nihil, ga ada hasil. ga tau mau beliin apa buat bokap. Tapi untungnya jem tangan dapet, toko inceran berikutnya Michael Kors. Nyokap gue juga ngincer satu tas yg warna nya merah dia demen banget, lagi di singapur keluar masuk toko pengen banget beli, tapi gak di beli. since gue nemu n harga nya lebih murah, yah beli lah gue tas itu bukan nyokap.

feeling nya seneng banget! kenapa? oleh-oleh buat nyokap and meli uda beres. :)

Next abis kita dari sono, kita buru-buru lari-lari (ini bener2 lari-lari loh) ke PRIMARK. Primak tuh kaya Topshop nya di London, tapi harganya sangat affordable n quality n barang-barangnya bagus-bagus! gimana gue sama michelle kaga kalap pas masuk Primak. dia ada gerobak buat belanja (pinter bener nih toko) , gue sama michelle langsung buru-buru ngedorong itu gerobak liat-liat, milih-milih. seneng banget rasanya (oke gue cukup normal kan buat ukurang cewe?) hahahahaha. kaki gue benernya uda mau patah rasanya, bayangin dari pagi sampe sore gue jalan kaya gosokan ke sono sini, bawa barang berat-berat ( tas nyokap gue berat abis) tapi masih bisa-bisa nya gue nge dorong itu gerobak buat milih-milih baju n sepatu. hahaha.

in the end, di Primark gue beli beberapa dress, atasan, n spatu yang harganya cuman 5 Pounds. (nyesel sekarang kemaren cuman beli 1 buat gue, 1 buat ade gue) , uda gitu spatu nya enak banget! next time kalo gue ke sono, gue janji mau ngeborong ah.


the day not just ended like that! hahahaha, karena sangat kiasu, kita gak mau melewatkan Christmas eve kita
gitu aja donk! hahaha. meluncur lah kita ke Hyde park Winter wonderland!

kita penasaran sama yang namanya Christmas market kaya gimana sih, in the end kita meluncurlah ke winter wonderland ini!

tempatnya sih sederhana, kaya theme park tapi versi malemnya gitu, banyak Christmas deco + ada outdoor skaterink segala. bener-bener berasa di Luar negri! hahahaha. karena kita uda pada kecapekan
so kita cuman muter-muter liat-liat n duduk-duduk ngaso soalnya pada kecapekan! hahahaha.

since yang laen pada kecapekan, gue sama Lolla yang masih punya tenaga buat ngider-ngider. rencana pengen maen cuman dingin nya sampe nusuk ke tulang, gak jadi deh kita maen jadi cuman liat-liat doank.

begini nih Winter Wonderland ala London!

saking uda terlalu capek, akhirnya kita pulang naek taxi! emang mahal sih, cuman ya uda lah yaaa apa boleh buat, kaki uda gak bisa berkompromi! hahahaha.

berakhirlah day 2 kita di London! kayanya waktu cepet banget gitu, ga berasa tau-tau kita uda spend
2days in London!

Day 3 - Walking tour!
walking? YES! WALKING alias jalan kaki!
why? it's Christmas! semua public transport tutup dan banyak tempat-tempat tutup.

so personally, gue ga berapa recommend buat kalian pergi ke Europe during Christmas.
soalnya banyak banget tempat-tempat yang tutup sayang harinya, unless kalo kalian emang punya waktu
yang cukup banyak buat di London.

jadi kita ngapain donk? jalan kaki! iyah bener jalan kaki! beneran seriusan jalan kaki muter-muter London!
8jem++ kaki kita di pake buat jalan-jalan ngider-ngider London.

kita jalan kaki dari Hostel kita di Kings cross area ke Chinatown! itu tujuan utama kita buat ke Chinatown!
simply soalnya kita mau makan siang, kelaperan gitu ceritanya, trus selama perjalanan kita, ternyata kita
nemu banyak tempat-tempat bagus and menarik buat photo-photo.

dan.. sampailah kita di Chinatown!

ngapain donk kita di sono? LUNCH! hahaha. karena susah banget nyari resto yang buka pas Christmas.
thank God masi ada Chinatown yang notaben nya orang-orang Cina. makanlah kita di sono dengan harga
yang sangat fenomenal mahal! cuman apa boleh buat donk, tetep harus makan perut lebih penting. hahaha.

.. lalu kita lanjutin jalan kaki nya menuju Trafalgar Square yang katanya sih ada Pohon natal paling eksis
se London! hahahaha. meluncur lah kita ke sono, ehh di tengah jalan (lagi) kita pass by Shaftesbury Avenue!
apaan sih ini? (ya uda gue yg nanya gue yang jawab) ini tuh tempat-tempat Musical di London! liat tuh di
plang nya aja ada tulisan Theatreland! bener-bener kalo gue balik London gue mau nonton musikalnya!
sayang kita cuman pass-by gak bisa nonton soalnya TUTUP (lagi) , hiks. nyesel sih cuman ya sudah lah ya
nikmatin depan Theatre nya aja!

... dan akhirnya SAMPAILAH kita di tujuan kita ke dua, Trafalgar Square!
penasaran kan ada apa, sama gue juga penasaran waktu baca-baca di mister google.
ohhh ternyata begini toh penampakannya.

.. dan ternyata lagi jalan sedikit di sebrangnya Trafalgar Square udah area menuju Buckingham Palace!
langsung donk abis eksis photo-photo kita langsung menuju Buckingham palace.

jadi dari jalan utama buat ke dalem Buckingham nya tuh jauh banget! beneran super jauh! hahahaha. sampe kita cape mau balik kok ya tanggung uda hampir sampe.

sampe sono ternyata palace nya kecil bok! gue uda expect palace yg segede bagong ternyata, ya owoh kecil. sempet kecewa sama penampakannya Buckingham palace, kirain gede nya kaya apa, ternyata kecil. begini deh kira-kira suasanannya. pas sampe di sono uda mulai gelap. soalnya winter donk, jadi ya cepet gelapnya.

abis dari Buckingham kita melanjutkan perjalanan kita dengan JALAN KAKI, yeah bener-bener jalan kaki! hahahaha. ke Big Ben! oke liat di peta sih agak deket keliatannya, tapi ternyata jauh juga. kita lewatin taman-tamannya Buckingham, mungkin itu tempat maen nya si Prince Hary sama Prince William waktu masih kecil. wkakkaak. (oke omongan gue uda mulai random) haohoahoahoa. ngarep-ngarep ketemu Kate Middelton, tapi yang ada gue cuman di sambut burung-burung di taman, ya uda lah ya mungkin si Kate lagi sibuk ngurus anaknya yg baru lahir #apasihfen

Tulisan kata Mr.Google kalo jalan 14 mnt only! tapi kenyataannya mungkin itu langkah nya orang bule yang kakinya jejang semampai, lah kita kaki nya pendek-pendek perjalanan yg katanya 14 menit bisa jadi 1 jam! hahaha.

fyi, Big Ben itu deket banget sama Westminster Abbey, dia agak sebelah-sebelahan gitu, dan deket si Big Ben itu ada di London Eye juga, dia juga tinggal nyebrang jembatan dikit uda sampe deh di London Eye.
yah kan namanya juga bareng-bareng yah sama temen-temen jadi perjalanan JALAN KAKI nya jadi lebih seru, coba bayangin cuman berdua ato sendiri jalan kaki gitu, ya mati kutu juga sih gue bilang.

sampelah kita di Big Ben, seneng banget akhirnya nyampe ke Big Ben, kalo kata orang jangan bilang lo ke London kalo lo gak ke Big Ben (oke bukan kata orang, itu kata gue ngarang-ngarang sendiri)
karena uda gelap + kamera SLR gue batre nya abis jadi ya harap maklum photonya kurang gitu jelas.

nah abis kita uda excited ketemu si Big Ben, eh kita ketemu si Telepon umum yang fenomenal itu! jadi ya kita gak mau melewatkan kesempatan donk, kita numpang eksis di phonebooth. Nah kebetulan temen kita si Jeson ulang tahun, jadi ya kita coba-coba iseng telepon dia dari London! hahaha.

Trus gue penasaran donk, karna kan uda gelap gitu gue nyari-nyari mana si Westminster Abbey nya, ternyata yaowoh ada di sebelahnya persis, gue sampe bingung-bingung cari, tapi sayang gereja nya tutup soalnya uda malem, jadi yah kita cuman photo-photo di depannya, pas kebetulan lagi gerimis juga kita ga mungkin bs lanjutin jalan kaki.

uda sempet istirahat duduk sebentar, kita lanjutin lagi perjalanan, jalan kaki kita ke TOWER BRIDGE yang katanya lebih di kenal London Bridge.
ternyata ya owoh, beneran jangan ketipu sama peta, JAUH BANGET, ini bener-bener lebih JAUH. kita jalan kaki lewatin banyak bridge, lah kok ya tower bridge nya gak muncul-muncul. tapi ya lagi-lagi kan soalnya rame-rame ber6 n seru-seru semua, jadi ya gak gitu berasa jalan lamaaaaaaa gitu di tambah banyak view-view bagus. :)

numpang eksis di depannya London Eye dulu juga. karena kita uda jalan lamaaaa banget and kok ya ga nyampe-nyampe, akhirnya kita putuskan kita NAEK TAXI. karena temen kita si Paijah kaki nya uda kapalan, gak bisa jalan lagi, mau putus katanya kakinya. jadi kita naek Taxi gede bisa isi ber6. meluncur lah kita ke tower bridge.

... setelah itu hambatan kita gak cuman sampe di situ cyinnnn, kita KEBELET kencing donk, susah banget nyari wc umum. akhirnya kita cari-cari wc tanya-tanya sono sini, sempet hopeless mikir apa gue kencing aja di pinggir jalan, tapi takut ketangkep polisi London gara-gara pipis sembarangan kan gak lucu banget donk.

n Thank God Tuhan masih baek sama kita, ada satu restoran turkish gitu yang masih buka n buka during Christmas, gara-gara kita juga uda kelaperan yowis kita decided buat makan di sono sambil numpang pipis. (oke kayanya lebih bener, pipis sambil numpang makan wong ya kita makan di sono terpaksa gara-gara pengen kencing) :P

dan akhirnyaaaaa kita bisa liat si Tower Bridge ini!
Impression gue, ini bridge sih super keren, mixed modern and classical building! worth to visit kalo emang lo demen sama architecture. :)
bener-bener kaya London pride banget ini jembatan. I will say yes! keren and lain dari pada yang laen, keliatan very strong and firm. :)

uda photo-photo ngeeksis, ehhh baru mikir gimana cara kita pulang nih. kita uda jauh banget jalan kaki, super jauh!

fyi lagi, London itu di bagi jadi 2 bagian, bagian yg atas itu lebih ke arah perkantoran, CBD area nya London which is lebi modern, lebih city, kalo kalian liat photo di bawah, nah ini London bagian atas yang lebih city. tapi kalo London yg bagian bawah, itu lebih classical, lebih Touristy. Nah tower bridge ini yg ngelink dari London bagian atas ke London bagian bawah. :)

akhirnya, pulanglah kita ke Hostel naek Taxi! oke mahal, tapi kaki kita lebih mahal kayanya kalo berobat.

hostly speaking, gue seneng banget sih bisa jalan-jalan keliling London jalan kaki, walaupun capek kaki pegel-pegel pengen patah, tapi moment kebersamaanya donk lebih gimana gitu, and we create a moment in London. :) 

too bad waktu di London kita uda abis sampe di sono, besokannya kita harus terbang ke BUDAPEST! :)
yes, we will say Hello to Budapest!

London is a very interesting city! yes, kota yang sangat menarik, combination of classical and modern city. and the good things about London they speaking English! YEAH! akhirnya ada city yang orang-orangnya masih bisa kita ngertiin dia ngomong apa.

but the cons about London, Mahal banget cyinnnn, mau makan aja mahalnya amit-amit. trus WIFI nya kayanya susah banget buat di dapetin.

but in general, for sure, LONDON I'll be back! :)
kalo boleh suggest kalo kalian mau ke UK jangan di gabung sama Europe, menurut gue kurang worth it. which is gue rada nyesel sih, cuman oke lah yang penting kebersamaan (again) hehehe.
spend more time in London, 4-5days rasanya cukup. bisa sambil nonton musical, bisa ke stadion bola, another things kalo kalian bs lamaan, kalian bisa muter ke kota-kota lainnya yang katanya ga kalah cakepnya sama London.

so next, I'll be back UK! GET READY FOR ME! :)

ps: kayanya post gue yg ini panjang banget ya, moga-moga kalian pada ga bosen.
pss: kalo kalian butuh details tentang London, feel free to ask me. gue punya Itinerary yg bisa gue share ke kalian :)

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

randomness march

Update dikit ah biar gaul-gaul gimana gitu,

Current situation:
BUSY! Sibuk pisan!

sibuk kerjaan, sibuk nge-WO, sibuk pelayanan, sibuk meeting, sibuk pacaran (loh?) , sibuk tidur (hah?), sibuk makan (hueh?), sibuk lahh pokoknya!
kapan sibuk jalan-jalannya nih gue? hahahaha.
#maunye #mimpinye #kepengennye #citacitanye

beneran isi post ini emang gak penting sih, cuman iseng doank lagi bosen ngeliatin specification yang ga ada abis nya. hehehehe.

semangat Feni! you can do it!

I will say of the Lord ' He is my refuge and my fortress, my God in whom I trust' Psalm 91:2

Happy blessed Wed fellas!


Tuesday, March 11, 2014

#FTE Amsterdam-Volendam

Okay, I promise will continue 1-1 all my europe trip. 

..and now lety's talk about Amsterdam and Volendam!

we're staying at Stayokay Amsterdam Vondelpark. 
we've booked 4 bed private room and bathroom and 2 bed private room and bathroom.
in the end we got 6 bed private room and bathroom and 2 bed private room and bathroom.
for my personal review is they really have nice breakfast for the room a bit gloomy but overall it's 
quite decent hostel. 
compare to other hostel that they allowed the people to smoke marijuana there.
as you know Netherlands allow marijuana and i personally don't like the smell. 
be careful when you choose the hostel in Amsterdam, because my friend really experience the 
hostel there very dirty and have marijuana smell.

I will rate 7/10 for this Stayokay Amsterdam Hostel. 
pros: clean room, no marijuana, bigger space, private bathroom, more variety for breakfast.
cons: a bit far from central area, wifi not reach bedroom. 

btw, don't believe what you see in the picture is not as nice as what the picture tell you! hahaha.
lower down your expectation.
but the most important is clean and no marijuana smell. 

how we go there? 

we're taking train from airport to central station. from central station my suggestion better take taxi.
because we have a lot of luggage
you can also use tram.

below the direction from the hostel website
From Central Station you take tram number 1, 2 or 5 and get off at Leidseplein. Cross the Leidsebrug, on your right you will see the American Hotel. Walk straight ahead towards the Marriott Hotel and turn left. Zandpad is the second street to the right (small street just before the park entrance). Walk straight ahead. From Amstel Station you take tram number 12. You get off at the stop called Van Baerlestraat. Go down the stairs into the Vondelpark. You will see the hostel on your left (follow the signs to the hostel).

when we reach there i have a jetlag. it's still 6pm or 7pm if i'm not wrong but my eye really can't open.

i'm really really really sleepy! we decided to take some rest while we're waiting 2 of 
our friend that from Munich to Amsterdam. 

... and finally we meet both of them. Jeli having her student exchange and ko hendra having his 
DnD in Switzerland ( yea yea yea i know the company sooooo good pay for the whole staff to 
Switzerland just for DnD. envy huh??)
after that we decided to have a dinner nearby our hostel. 

and you know what we get? TADAAAAA. What a view! suddenly, 
we fall in love with this outdoor skate ring!

because we're too tired so we decided back to our hostel and have some rest. 

2nd day ( Volendam Tour)
we have our city tour to Volendam. Volendam is a very nice city! i've been here before in 2010 
and i still falling in love with this city. 
we booked the tour from Viator 
(Zaanse Schans Windmills, Marken and Volendam Half-day trip Amsterdam,
we have a hard time to find the meeting point so we're a bit late! because we couldn't find 
the meeting point, but luckily they wait us!

Oh ya, there's also fighting people nearby our hostel when we about to go. because it's 
weekend so we assume they're fighting because they drunk. 
the police until come and makes the tram delay! that's why we're late because of that 
accident as well. 

nothing much about the windmills and marken. They just show us how the windmills operated. 
there's a lot of windmills there. 
Oh ya, They also show us how to make clogs. (Netherlands traditional shoes)
then we continue to Volendam. 

they bring us to the cheese factory! Ohmy, i hate that place! I really hate cheese. they show us how to made cheese and different kind of cheese. 

highlight of the day is WE'RE DOING DUTCH TRADITIONAL COSTUME PHOTO. haohoahoahohaohaohaoahoa. okay picture say a thousand words right, so just enjoy the picts ya. 

we enjoy our volendam tour, but in overall I will just rate 6/10 for this tour. quite boring in windmills and marken. i suggest they give more time in volendam. so we could have more time to enjoy this beautiful city. 

A bit background of Volendam, it's a city that at first it's a fisherman village, but after time goes it's become tourist attraction. so now they popular and a lot of tourist will visit this village. They have nice seafood there! after we finish our tour, we decided to strolling around the central of amsterdam. 

what else that girls will do? Shopping! we shop HnM and one of local brand, which I forget what is it. hahahahaha. we're shop in Leidsestraat , the shopping district there. after that we're strolling around Dam Square. 

another things that we do, we go to the famous RED district in Amsterdam. They say we can see a lot of girls inside the 'aquarium' but too bad we're too early to be in red district! HAHAHA. they said the red district it's come per area as well. Cheap, Mid, Expensive , fat, thin, Chinese, angmoh. it's kinda sad, esp when you are a girls. 

at first we want to have Indonesian Food, but it's so damn expensive! crazy! i can get cheaper food in Indonesia or even in Singapore. so we're just eating any restaurant that we think it's cheap and good! HAHA. then we're so tired and go back to hostel. 

Day 3 ( Amsterdam City tour)
We're strolling around Amsterdam downtown. at first we go to the place where we can find I AM STERDAM sculpture. we wanna take picture there! 

my suggestion better go there early in the morning! because it will be crowded. I know there's a lot of this statue. 
according to, you can find it here: 
Located at the back of the Rijksmuseum on Museumplein, the large I amsterdam slogan quickly became a city icon and a much sought after photo opportunity. Visitors photograph themselves, in, around and on top of the slogan, and it always manages to inspire the novice photographer.
At more than 2 metres tall, the slogan measures over 23.5 metres wide. In July 2012, a second set of letters was installed at Amsterdam Airport Schiphol to welcome visitors to the city and a third set of letters playfully changes location around the city, making appearances at fashion shows, fairs, festivals and other major events. And finally, a scaled-down set of letters can also be found in the courtyard of the Amsterdam Museum.  
Summer 2012 also saw the installation of a red I amsterdam mosaic sofa, located outside the public reception of City Hall (Amstel 1). This was handmade by furniture brand Goed Gemaakt in collaboration with local homeless youths.

we decided to go to the one back of Rijksmuseum because it's just walking distance to our hostel. Fyi, it's sunday so a lot of shops close down. Oh ya, forget to tell you guys in Europe a lot of shop close at Sunday. so don't expect like in asian country. so what we can do when we're there and it's on Sunday? we join the cruise! yeapppp, Cruise in sein river. As you know, amsterdam it's famous with the house in the boat.
 I always adore Amsterdam house. they say the biggest the window is the richer the owner is. you know why? because they bring in all the furniture using the window not the door. that's why all the doors sooooo small yet they have big window. interesting fact right! hahahaha. 

because we still have time before we need to go to London, we decided to go to the our hostel area. we do shopping again! hahaha. but me and Lolla we didn't really shop, we strolling around the area it's kinda interesting city for me. Amsterdam have a lot of bike! most of people there using bike! what an eco city right. but too bad we don't have a chance to biking around Amsterdam and that's how we ended our Amsterdam. 

in overall, I like this city. every city have different culture the only things that I don't really like is just the Marijuana things. it's soooo smelly! another good things about this country we have some language that same as bahasa like 'gratis' 'diskon' etc. 

the things that you must be aware is if they have the sign of 'coffee shop' means you can have your marijuana there. so beware guys but other than that no need to be so worry it's a safe city and yet it's beautiful! :)